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What Are The Signs and Health Risks of Tick Infestations in Dogs?

Worried about Tick infestations in dogs? Here’s how to easily deal with them

Ticks are ectoparasites. They inhabit the outer surface of their hosts. Ticks look like spiders, but much smaller in size. The size of ticks ranges from 1mm to 1cm in length. They usually have 8 legs which help them move from one host to another. 

Their most common hosts are cats and dogs. Tick infestation comes in full swing in between the spring and autumn seasons, although your dog can contract ticks at any point during the year. Dogs contract ticks when they run into other animals that already have an infestation. 

The mode of transportation for ticks is through climbing onto their host’s bodies whenever they come in contact. Ticks neither fly nor jump. 

Tick infestation can be worrisome as it carries multiple health risks for your dogs. Let us take a look at some of the common signs and health risks associated with a tick infestation. 

Signs and Symptoms of Tick Infestation in Dogs

Look out for the following signs of tick infestation in dogs:

The Presence of Small Bumps on The Skin

  • Ticks are small insects and you cannot see them with the naked eye. To remain on the lookout for tick infestation in a dog, run your hands through its fur. Ticks hide under the dog’s fur and remain attached to their skin. If you feel small bumps on their skin, they may be ticks that have latched themselves onto your dog’s skin. 

Ticks prefer occupying the hairless areas of dogs’ bodies such as their head, groin, ears, feet, armpits, and neck, etc. Pay special attention to these areas while looking out for ticks on your dog. If you find ticks occupying your dog’s fur, then contact a vet immediately.

Rashes and Inflammed Skin

Contrary to flea bites, bites from ticks don’t cause excessive irritation and itching. This is one of the reasons tick bites can be hard to diagnose. However, in some cases, tick bites can leave some telltale signs such as patches of red and inflamed skin where the ticks attached themselves to the dog’s body.

 Other common symptoms of a tick bite include:

  • Rise of body temperature
  • shivering
  • Pain in the body
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Headache
  • Bodily rash

Health Risks of Tick Bites in Dogs

Tick bites can cause the following diseases in dogs:

Canine Ehrlichiosis

It is a dangerous disease that is caused when your dog is bit by The Brown Dog tick, American Dog Tick, and Lone Star Tick. Typical signs of Canine Ehrlichiosis are:

  • Fever
  • Low appetite
  • The decrease in blood platelets
  • Nose bleeding
  • Anemia

These symptoms start to show approximately 1-3 weeks after your dog has been bit by the above-mentioned ticks. 

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tick infestations in dogs

Lyme Disease

Tick bites are responsible for causing Lyme disease in dogs. Ticks are carriers of the bacteria – Borrelia burgdorferi- that are responsible for causing Lyme disease. When an infected tick bites a dog, the bacteria get transferred and causes the following health risks:

  • Lameness
  • Swelling in lymph nodes and joints
  • Loss of appetite
  • Kidney disease
  • Fever
  • Ailments of the nervous system.

Deer ticks are the most common carriers of Borrelia burgdorferi. They attach themselves to the pet’s skin and infect by biting down. The good thing is that the transmission usually does not occur for the first 48 hours. If the tick is removed during this period, then your dog will be saved from contracting Lyme disease.

An effective solution against tick infestation is administering your dog with Simparica Trio. Their 3-in-1 formula offers effective protection against ticks and Lyme disease. 

<<< Best Prices On Simparica Trio – Click Here >>>

This information has been brought to you by Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center located in Charlottesville, VA. 

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