5 signs your dog has separation anxiety

5 Signs Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety

Here is the list of 5 apparent  signs your dog has separation anxiety Dogs that spend most of their time with their family enjoying walks, extra play time, attention, etc., feel stressed when pet parents begin to return to work or activities outside of the house. Your pet can panic or engage in destructive behavior. […]

different types of dog food

What Are Different Types Of Dog Food?

Here is a list of different types of dog food and how they meet your pet’s nutritional needs Even though pet food doesn’t have as many flavors, shapes, and colors as human food, there are different types to choose from. Regardless of the type you choose, the food you select must meet the nutritional needs […]

7 common cat diseases

7 Common Cat Diseases And Their Symptoms

Here is the list of 7 common cat diseases and their symptoms Felines suffer from several illnesses throughout their life cycle, from parasite infestations to upper respiratory tract and viral infections. In the U.S, about 40 million households have pet cats. As a cat parent, it is essential to identify the signs and symptoms of […]