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What Are The Most Common Types of Cat Allergies?

Here are the 4 most common types of cat allergies that you may not be aware of

An allergy is basically an overreaction of the immune system. When the immune system misdiagnoses a harmless substance as something dangerous, it goes into overdrive and tries to expel it from the body. Sneezing, itching, coughing, and vomiting are some of the most common allergic reactions.

Allergies are no fun. Just like humans, animals suffer from allergies too. If you are a cat owner, it is essential to learn about cat allergies to be able to diagnose and treat your cat if she suffers from them. Let us take a look at some of the most common types of cat allergies that cats suffer from, from time to time.

Flea Allergies

Fleas are common cat and dog parasites. Most cats have an allergic reaction if they become infested with fleas. Their bodies become incredibly itchy and they manifest the following behaviors, in order to to get rid of the itching:

  • Licking
  • Biting
  • Scratching themselves around the neck, flanks, tail, and thighs aggressively

If you believe that your cat is suffering from flea allergies, then administer a flea control medicine and an insect growth regulator to your cat. This will get the flea infestation under control and your cat will eventually get rid of the allergy.

Pollen Allergies

Pollen is a common allergen that affects both cats and humans. Most cats are allergic to tree, grass, and weed pollens. If your cat is allergic to pollen, it would display the following symptoms:

  • Licking, chewing and scratching their bodies aggressively.
  • Watery eyes and occasional sneezing

As your cat ages, the seasonal allergy may become a more permanent feature. To get the allergy under control, do the following:

  • Avoid exposure to the allergen by keeping cats indoors and shutting down all entry points.
  • Use an air filter during the pollen season.
  • Bathe or wet wipe your cat frequently during the pollen season.
  • Administer fatty acid, anti-histamines, and immunosuppressive drugs after consulting with a vet, if the allergy persists.

Food Allergies

Cats can develop allergies to certain ingredients present in common cat foods. Food allergies for cats are similar to human allergies; they can manifest themselves at any point in the cat’s life. Cats with food allergies usually display the following symptoms:

  • Itchy skin
  • Skin or ear infections
  • Gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, gassiness, and diarrhea

To determine whether your cat has a food allergy, feed your cat novel food items (that have not been previously consumed by the cat) or feed it hydrolyzed food for six to eight weeks. If the allergic symptoms subside, then you should know that your cat had a food allergy. In that case, administer hypoallergenic cat food to your cat.

Consult a vet for more safe feeding options for your cat.

most common types of cat allergies

Scent Allergies

  • Some cats have sensitive mucous membranes. They can become itchy and irritated when they encounter a particularly strong scent. If your cat has been sneezing a lot, she may be allergic to any strong scent. Cat litters, food, air sprays, and cleaning products that we use frequently can have strong scents.

If your cat displays allergy-like symptoms after coming in contact with these products, then you should know that these products are the culprit. Avoid using such products in your cat’s presence. Better yet, switch to unscented products to avoid the problem altogether.

  • This information has been brought to you by Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center. They are located in Charlottesville, VA. Consult them if your cat’s allergy symptoms persist. They provide urgent care and ensure the wellbeing of your pet.
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