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5 Dangerous Garden Plants for Pets – Avoid Planting These 

Avoid planting these dangerous garden plants for pets

Everyone wants their garden to look beautiful and full of colorful plants and flowers. However, in many cases, these plants can be very dangerous for pets if ingested or interacted with. Most pet owners do not do this and treat symptoms of poisoning as common stomach issues in their pets.

Even though there are tips for pet safety that almost all pet owners know, most of them do not include anything about gardens or plants. It’s important to know which plants can and cannot be planted in a pet-friendly garden.

Can Plants Be Poisonous to Pets?

  • Yes, there are many everyday plants that we see around us that can be harmful and even poisonous to pets. The harm is usually caused when the pets ingest the mentioned plants, leading to poisoning and severe health complications. In some cases, owners may think the pet has an upset stomach or ate something bad, when in actuality their pet may be running out of time.

How Important Are Gardens to Pets?

  • Gardens are often areas where pets can roam free and have fun. Younger pets, especially dogs, tend to dig up plants and chew on them for fun. Although this fun plays an important role in the socialization and mood development of pets, it can be dangerous if you’re growing poisonous plants.

Plants You Want to Avoid in a Pet-Safe Garden

If you’re looking to build a garden that’s safe for your pets. Here are some plants you want to avoid at all costs:


  • Hyacinths are beautiful plants that can brighten up any garden. However, they contain certain allergenic lactones that can cause poisoning in pets. These compounds cause excessive drooling, vomiting, and dehydration. Most of the harmful compounds are found in the bulbs of the plant, hence avoid planting them in your garden.

Autumn Crocus

  • Although both spring and autumn crocus are dangerous for pets, the autumn variety is especially poisonous. The symptoms can include vomiting and diarrhea when eaten. If complications occur and your pet is not taken to the vet in time, they could have gastrointestinal bleeding and respiratory failure.


  • Rhododendron is an interesting flower to have in one’s garden due to its cluster blooming and interesting name. However, the grayanotoxins found in the plant can cause your pets to have severe abdominal pain and make them lose their appetite. In certain cases, the pets can even have seizures and tremors, indicating a complicated situation. If your pet has ingested the plant, get help immediately.


  • dangerous garden plants for petsThere are many kinds of lilies that you can grow in your garden, however, almost all of them are bad for your pets. True lilies such as tiger lilies, daylilies, and others can be fatal in almost all cases of ingestion. Pets often have between 2-4 days to get treatment before succumbing to the symptoms. Cat’s are especially sensitive to lilies and should not be around them, even when used for decoration inside the house.


  • Chrysanthemums have many chemical compounds that can irritate pets when ingested. Even the simplest of varieties such as daisies can be harmful to pets. The common signs of poisoning are vomiting, dehydration, drooling, and diarrhea.

At Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center, we provide you with the best urgent care services that keep your pets healthy and happy. It is important to get your pet to urgent care as soon as you notice signs that something is wrong. We offer multiple veterinary services in the city of Charlottesville, VA. To book an appointment or get an inquiry contact us on our number 434-971-9800.

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