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Should You Protect Your Pets From Covid-19?

Learn about the risks and how to protect your pets from covid-19

The novel Coronavirus has caused a global pandemic that has affected more than 176 million people across the globe, as of yet. It impacts the respiratory system and manifests itself through moderate to severe symptoms. This strain of the virus has impacted humans the most and most other species have remained safe from it.

However, there have been some cases where coronavirus has infected certain common household pets – mainly dogs and cats. The symptoms displayed by the infected animals were mild to moderate and not alarming. Some animals remained asymptomatic. Most pet owners worry about the mode of transmission of this virus i.e. can this virus be transmitted to and from animals to humans?

Let us take a detailed look at what modern science says about Covid’s interaction with animals and how to take care of pets during this pandemic.

Are Dogs and Cats At Risk of Catching The Coronavirus?

  • Few cases of dog infections have been reported from all across the globe. The mode of transmission appears to be through close contact with an infected human. A few cases of cat infections have also been reported. These included both domestic and zoo cats. Some reports suggest that infected cats can pass on the virus to other cats as well.

Hence cats are at risk of developing this disease from being in contact with carrier humans and fellow cats.

Am I At Risk of Getting Coronavirus From My Pets?

  • So far, no cases of human infections from interaction with carrier pets have been reported. However, care needs to be taken nevertheless to protect yourself and the pet as well. If your home is a covid-free zone and no one is sick, then you can carry on with day-to-day activities such as playing with your pet, taking them out on walks and touching their fur, etc.

protect your pets from covid-19

Pets have thick furs which can be host to different germs including the novel Coronavirus. Hence, it is important to practice good hygiene when interacting with them. If you are a pet owner, adopt these best practices to reduce the risk of Covid infection:

  • Wash and sanitize your hands after every single interaction with your pet.
  • Properly dispose of their poop and other waste as soon as possible.
  • Avoid kissing them and being licked by them. Animal saliva can be a potential carrier.
  • Clean your pet’s paws with a special paw cleaner whenever they come back from outdoors.
  • Infect and clean all items used by them such as food bowls, beddings, and toys, etc
  • If your pet displays symptoms of the disease such as hacking cough then take him to the vet immediately.
  • Practice some form of exercise with your pet. Keeping active and agile is good for both humans and their pets. Practice social distancing when taking your pet out for a walk.

How to Treat Your Pet if You’re Infected

Humans are the primary caregivers for pets. In case the owner gets infected, do the following:

  • Isolate in a separate room and maintain distance from pets.
  • You can come in contact with your pet after at least a week has passed since your symptoms started and you are experiencing an improvement in your symptoms. Improvement in symptoms includes doing well without taking fever-reducing medicines for three days in a row.
  • Arrange for separate accommodation for them if there is no one else to take care of them. If you are residing in Charlottesville, VA then contacts Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center. They provide boarding services for pets. Your pet will be well taken care of at their facility while you recover speedily from the coronavirus.
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