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Warning Signs Your Pet Has Fleas

Discover the warning signs that your pet has fleas and how to tackle the problem head-on.

Regardless of how diligent you as a pet owner are, fleas can still become a pesky problem for your pet. These insects can quickly multiply once they settle in an animal’s fur, making it essential to take immediate action once you spot them on your pet. Keep reading to learn the key signs of a flea infestation and ways to identify them.

How Pets Pick Up Fleas?

  • Understanding how pets get fleas is crucial for keeping these insects away from your pets. Fleas can crawl onto your pet from another infested animal, such as a cat, rodent, raccoon, or another dog. Therefore, if your furry friend catches fleas, it’s important to isolate them to prevent spreading the infestation to other animals and even humans.

Pets can also pick up fleas from their surroundings. Fleas thrive in shady areas with tall grass, waiting to latch onto any passing animal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adult fleas are highly adept at finding hosts by detecting body heat, movement, vibrations, and breathing. So, always be vigilant about where your dog roams to help prevent a flea infestation.

Signs Your Pet Has Fleas

While fleas themselves can be difficult to spot, several noticeable signs can help you determine if your pet is infested.

Persistent Scratching

  • Flea bites cause an itchy sensation that often leads to persistent scratching. Some dogs are allergic to flea saliva, which can make even a single bite cause severe itching all over their body.

Loss of Pet Hair

  • Continuous scratching in the same area can cause your pet to pull out its hair. Using a cone can help prevent your pet from causing further damage and losing more fur.


  • Excessive scratching can also lead to inflamed skin. Pets allergic to flea bites may develop flea allergy dermatitis, characterized by rashes, bleeding, skin crusting, and scaling.

Discolored Gums

  • Fleas can consume enough blood to cause anemia in their host, leading to pale gums. Other signs of anemia include lethargy, rapid breathing, and dark-colored stools. If you notice these symptoms, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Identifying Fleas on a Pet

  • pet has fleasIdentifying fleas on a pet is simple, especially if you know what to look for. A key indicator of their presence is flea dirt, which looks like tiny black specks of pepper. This flea feces is often found on an infested pet’s skin. Place a few on a wet paper towel to confirm if these specks are flea dirt. If they turn red, it’s flea dirt. You can also find flea dirt on your pet’s bed, carpet, or any area where your pet spends a lot of time.

Fleas themselves can also be spotted on the pet’s skin. Look for these tiny, reddish-brown insects in areas with thick fur, such as the back of the rear legs, the base of the tail, the neck and collar area, the belly, the inner thighs, and the shoulders. Fleas are sensitive to light and hide in these spots to stay covered. Additionally, check for flea eggs. These small, white oval eggs are about the size of a grain of sand and can be easy to miss. A close inspection of the skin can reveal them.

Seek Veterinary Help

  • Once you spot fleas on your pet, it’s essential to seek veterinary help as soon as possible. Your veterinarian can provide professional advice on the best flea medications, considering factors like your pet’s age, health status, and any existing allergies. Additionally, your vet can check for any flea-related health issues, such as flea allergy dermatitis or anemia, and provide appropriate treatments. 

If your pet is infected with ticks and fleas, contact us. At Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center, we provide multiple veterinary services. We are located in Charlottesville, VA. Appointments are conveniently available; call us at (434) 971-9800.

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