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Summer Pet Threats That Every Owner Should Be Aware Of

If you have a pet, you should be aware of the summer pet threats listed below and how to avoid them

When it comes to summer and summer vacations, pets are happy that their owners spend so much time with them. It’s a time for adventures, outings, and unlimited playing outside. But when the temperature exceeds, so does the list of dangers for pets. So, you need to be well prepared beforehand to tackle and prevent such threats. Keeping your pet safe should be your top priority at all times. Below are some valuable pieces of advice for all pet owners.


  • With the extra outdoor time, ticks pose great danger. In summer, it’s recommended to consistently check for ticks in your pet. Plus, be careful when going into the woods. Remember that ticks are more difficult to find on dogs with thicker coats. Not only this, dogs are more susceptible to attacks by ticks than cats.

After finding a tick, remove all with tweezers. Save the ticks in an airtight container. Since ticks bring a plethora of diseases with them, immediately book an appointment with a vet. Ticks can make your pet feverish or tired too.


  • Dehydration and heatstroke shouldn’t be taken lightly. Always keep a stock of fresh and cold water. When going out, carry portable water bowls. You should know the basic first aid when it comes to pets to handle mild situations of dehydration.

Short-nosed dogs, animals with thick coats or those who are overweight, and pets with dark skin are more likely to experience heat strokes. Some symptoms include:

  • Sunken eyes
  • Extra exhaustion
  • Not eating
  • Dry gums
  • Reduced urination

Panting is how they try to cool themselves. Try to cool down your pet with sprinklers, kiddie pools, ice cubes, ice packs, frozen treats, and fans.

Swimming Pools and Water

  • Rabbits and cats hate to swim. And not all dogs are adept at paddling. Some dogs sincerely dislike water and others can’t swim at all. So, before you bring your pet to the water, purchase a floatation device to keep them safe. Make sure that your pup never jumps into the water.

Never force them to be in contact with water. However, if your pet likes water, bathe them after a swim as the chlorine present in pools is dangerous.

Locked Cars

  • summer pet threatsWe are all guilty of leaving our pets in the car to do something quickly. But doing this in extreme summer or when the temperature exceeds 65 degrees Fahrenheit will put your pet’s life at risk. So, always bring them with you instead of leaving them in the car. In some states leaving your pet locked inside the car is a crime and you can get severely punished for that.


  • Summer results in extra outdoor time, and this can lead to a possible interaction with slithering serpents. Although most snakes are harmless, sometimes their bite is worse than anything else. So, shield your pet by cleaning your yard daily. If you don’t cut your grass, snakes will love to hide there.

If your dog loves chasing animals, bring the pet inside until the snake leaves on its own. If your pet wants to go outside, quickly survey the yard. A small pet is an ideal meal for snakes so be cautious at all times. If unfortunately they do get bitten, swelling will appear on their head and face. Rush your pet to the emergency room as soon as possible.

To ensure the general wellbeing of your dog, it is important to consult a vet now and then. We offer emergency services in case your pet comes in contact with a threat and needs urgent care. Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center provides multiple medical services to keep your dog healthy and happy. Call us at 434-971 9800. We are located in Charlottesville, VA.

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