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5 Major Signs of Depression in Pets

If you are a pet owner, you must know the following 5 significant signs of depression in pets

Have you observed recently that your pet’s energy level has decreased, they are no longer invested in the stuff they used to show interest in, or their sleeping or eating patterns have changed dramatically? Your pet is likely depressed. Yes, pets can easily be depressed just like us humans. Pet depression can usually be caused by the departure or loss of a family member, either another pet or a human.

  • Depression can also result from significant changes in the pet’s routine, which may occur due to the arrival of a new pet, a baby, or even shifting to a new home. However, the good news is that the pet owners can take multiple steps to neutralize the pet’s depression and get the pet to feel better again.

Being pet parents, it is critical to be mindful of the wellness and mental health of your furry companions. Below are some warning signs that your pet is in possible depression and that it’s time for a vet appointment.

Signs That Your Pet is Depressed

Changes in Appetite

  • When pets are depressed, they usually eat less or stop eating entirely. On the contrary, some pets tend to eat way more during the depression as any food is comforting for them. If your pet has undergone high weight loss in a brief period, this may be a chemical imbalance triggered by clinical depression. This also includes not feeling excited to see favorite snacks as well.

Changes in Sleep Schedule

  • Just like people, when pets are depressed, they sleep a lot. Even when you come home from work, likely, your pet is still sleeping. Sleeping more than usual is a strong indication of depression. In some cases, your pet may choose to sleep in secluded places away from you.

Having no Interest

  • A prominent symptom of depression in pets is not looking forward to walks and games. Again, these symptoms are highly similar to humans. They may be indifferent towards their favorite activities or toys. In extreme situations, you may notice that they do not respond well to their names either.

Hiding or Avoidance

  • If your pet instantly starts to hide from you or wants to be alone, this is an undeniable symptom that they’re bothered by something. It can either be something emotional or a physical injury. You may also notice your pet pressing its head against the wall frequently. That too is a sign of depressed behavior.

Excessive licking

  • Depressed dogs tend to constantly lick their paws to comfort themselves. If it looks like your pet is showcasing biting or licking behavior, it is most likely depressed.

Understanding the Reasons Why your Pet is Depressed

  • signs of depression in petsIf you think that your dog is in a state of depression, simply start with a vet appointment to learn the cause. The vet will guide you to identify any potential physical or health issues. Separation anxiety is extremely common and can also be treated on the same visit to the vet’s office.

If any life-changing events are causing anxiety and you have discovered the source of depression, try to work with a trainer or veterinary behaviorist on procedures to reduce the triggers.

  • You might discover that some temporary methods fastly change the pet’s attitude. Furthermore, try natural remedies such as a soothing diffuser or essential oils and flower essences.

At Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center, we provide you with the best general wellness services that keep your pets healthy and happy. We offer our veterinary services in the city of Charlottesville, VA. To book an appointment contact us on our number (434) 971-9800.

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