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How To Protect Your Pet Paws In Hot Weather?

Essential Tips to Protect Your Pet Paws and Prevent Burns in Hot Weather

While pet owners in Liberty Mills, VA, enjoy beautiful summer days, it can also be challenging to keep their pets safe during hot days. As the temperature rises, so do the risks for your pets’ sensitive paws, especially when walking on hot pavements. Read these practical tips to protect your pets’ paws in hot weather.

Watch Out for Hot Pavement

  • A veterinarian specializing in small animals suggests a simple test to protect your pet’s paws. Press the palm of your hand or the sole of your foot firmly onto the pavement for seven seconds. If the pavement feels too hot for you to walk on barefoot, it’s definitely too hot for your furry friend. 

Even on days with temperatures around 86°F, asphalt surfaces can heat up to a scorching 135°F. Hot pavement poses serious risks, such as cracking, burning, and blistering your pet’s paw pads. If your dog has been cooling off in a pool, its paw pads may become softer, making it even more vulnerable to injury during walks.

Prioritize Walking Under the Shade

  • When walking with your dog in warmer weather, prioritize grassy areas and look for shaded spots to minimize the risk of paw burns. Avoid sidewalks and paved surfaces, which can become dangerously hot. 

Opting for a shady park or grassy fields ensures a safer and more comfortable experience for your dog, especially during sunny days in locations like Liberty Mills.

Silicone Scar Sheets for Paw Protection

  • Silicone scar sheets offer a great alternative for protecting your dog’s paws from hot surfaces. Unlike traditional peel-and-stick felt pads, silicone scar sheets are easy to apply and can be customized to fit perfectly on your dog’s paws. They provide effective protection against burns and injuries while also minimizing the risk of slipping on smooth surfaces.

Moreover, these sheets are reusable and durable enough to withstand wet conditions without losing their effectiveness. Their thin and flexible design ensures comfort for your dog, making them a preferable choice over many other paw protection options and reducing the risk of summer pet emergencies.

Protect Your Pet’s Paws with Footwear

  • Just like humans, dogs can benefit from seasonal footwear to protect their paws during the hot summers in Charlottesville, VA. Various styles of dog boots are designed for both hot and cool surfaces, which can significantly reduce the risk of paw pad injuries.

When selecting summer shoes for your pet, prioritize those made from breathable fabrics, as dogs sweat through their paws. Look for boots that are:

  • Lightweight
  • Nonslip and easy to clean
  • Easy to put on and take off
  • Adjustable for a comfortable fit
  • Made from durable, waterproof, and breathable materials

However, not all dogs enjoy wearing shoes in the summer. Some may find paw protection wax more tolerable. Nevertheless, paw wax might not provide adequate protection against thermal burns on extremely hot days.

Inspect Your Dog’s Paws After Walks

Pet Paws

  • It’s crucial not to overlook cracked, blistered, or burned paws, as these can quickly lead to infections. After long walks or during hot days in Liberty Mills, take a close look at your dog’s paw pads. Regularly examining your dog’s paws throughout the year, especially during the summer heat, is a good practice.

Watch out for signs such as small, swollen red spots on the paw pads. Also, pay attention to your dog’s behavior. If it shows reluctance to walk, limps, or excessively licks or chews its feet, take it to the veterinarian immediately.

At Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center, we provide you with the best urgent care services to save your pet’s life during an emergency. We offer our veterinary services in the city of Charlottesville, VA. To book an appointment, contact us at (434) 971-9800.

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