It is that time of year again! The summer! Of course it gets hot! Keep your dog cool!
Here are some things to look out for…
- Seizures
- Panicked look & Glassy eyes
- High body temperature
- Racing heart beat
- Staggering or collapsing
- Red, purple, or blue gums & tongue
- Vomiting
- Excessive drooling
- Heavy Panting
A dog’s normal body temperature is between 38.3C – 39.2C
At 43C a dog’s organs begin to shut down.
What should you do if your dog is in danger of heat stroke?
- Move the dog out of direct sunlight
- Place the dog on top of wet towels
- Do not cover the dog with towels
- Place the dog in front of a fan
- Offer small amounts of tepid water
- Add a pinch of salt into the dog’s water to help replace any lost minerals from drooling
- Vigorously massage the dog’s legs – get the circulation moving whilst lowering the risk of shock
- Apple tepid to cool water to paw pads, chest, and underarms
BIG TIP” NEVER leave your dog in a car!