Here is a comprehensive guide to puppy teething
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Just like human babies, puppies go through a teething process. When they are six months of age, puppies lose their baby teeth and acquire adult teeth. However, puppies may experience pain and discomfort as they lose their baby teeth. They drool and nip more than usual. This article provides comprehensive information about puppy teething, its stages, and its symptoms.
Teething Timeline
Before you know it, your puppy’s baby teeth are replaced with a complete set of permanent teeth. The teething stage does not last long and includes:
Stage 1: 2-4 Weeks
- Baby teeth begin to appear when puppies are 2 to 4 weeks old. At this point, puppies are still nursing and opening their eyes.
Stage 2: 5-7 weeks
- At 5-7 weeks, baby teeth finish growing. At this stage, puppies begin to explore the new world, nip, and chew everything around them. This is an essential stage of their development.
Stage 3: 12-16
- Baby teeth fall out when puppies are 12 to 16 weeks old, and teething begins. The whole process takes a few months but mostly depends on the individual dog.
All dog breeds have 42 adult teeth, and puppies get all their permanent teeth at 6 months.
Symptoms Of Teething
Although the order varies with different breeds, puppy teeth usually erupt in the following order:
- Incisors
- Canine teeth
- Premolars
- Molars
The common symptoms of teething are:
- The natural instinct behaviors such as mouthing, gnawing, biting, and nipping become more frequent when puppies are teething.
- Chewing relieves pain and discomfort and gives puppies a chance to use their new teeth. So they chew more often. The puppy’s breath begins to smell foul.
Lack Of Interest In Food
- Since teething may cause discomfort, puppies are reluctant to eat food or may eat slowly. In addition, puppies may whine to express discomfort.
Loss Of Baby Teeth
- The lost teeth are usually the size of a cereal grain and may be found near a pile of chew toys after a long chew session.
Swollen Gums
- Examine your puppy’s mouth to see if the gums are visibly red or sore. You may even notice spots of blood on chew toys. Minor bleeding is not unusual, but if you have any concerns call your vet.
How To Help A Puppy With Teething?
- To Help your puppy with the teething pain, offer them gentle chew toys. Chew toys allow pets to gnaw away without damaging other items. Kongs are classic chew toys that are helpful during the teething process. They can be filled with enticing treats like peanut butter. In addition, you can stuff a chew toy with treats and freeze it for an additional gum-soothing effect. Puppy teething sticks are also suitable for alleviating discomfort during teething. Always buy high-quality chew toys that won’t chip or splinter while your dog chews on them. For this reason, rubber toys are ideal during teething.
These chew toys can be easily bought from local grocery stores. Several varieties of chew toy options are available online and in specialty pet stores as well. Rope toys are also effective during teething as long as your puppy does not shred and swallows the bits of rope. Naturally, shed antlers and bully sticks are some other valuable chews. Avoid giving your puppy any bones that might lead to choking.
Yearly dental appointments are ideal for keeping pet dental issues at bay. At Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center, we perform a range of dental services, from cleanings to dental extraction, to help keep your pet’s mouth looking and feeling great. We are located in Charlottesville, VA. Appointments are conveniently available; call us at 434-971-9800.