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8 Helpful Tips To Bathe Your Cat Safely

Here is a list of DIY tips to bathe your cat safely

Cats have excellent grooming habits and can keep themselves clean with the help of their teeth, tongues, and paws. However, sometimes your feline friends may need help with cleaning. For instance, if your cat has rolled in something sticky, you’ll have to bathe her to get the stickiness off her fur. Continue reading to learn practical tips to bathe your cat safely.

Schedule It Right

  • Generally, felines are not fond of water. It becomes challenging and even tedious to bathe them. A more active cat will use all of its energy in objecting strongly to a bath. Therefore, it is helpful to time the bathing session right.

The best time to bathe your cat is after a long play session or after some catnip. Furthermore, it is better to schedule the bath time when someone else is around to help keep your cat calm.

Use A Rubber Bath Mat

  • If the bathtub or sink you are bathing your cat in is slippery, the cat will panic. Place a rubber bath mat or folded towel at the bottom of the tub to help your cat stand on it without panicking. Add three to four inches of lukewarm water after placing the mat in the tub. Have your helper hold onto the cat during the bath session to avoid scratches.

Use A Pour-Over Method

  • If your cat doesn’t like being in a tub full of water, use a plastic cup, a handheld sprayer, or a pitcher to gently pour warm water over the cat’s body. Ensure the cat’s body is thoroughly wet before moving on to the next step.

Try A Cat Shampoo

  • Human shampoos are not safe for your cat, especially if your cat licks them. Use a shampoo that is formulated for felines. Gently massage the shampoo on the neck and move down towards the tail while avoiding the eyes, ears, and face.

Rinse The Shampoo Thoroughly

  • Once you have applied the shampoo all over the cat’s body, use warm water to thoroughly rinse it off. Ensure that the shampoo is completely removed from the fur. Anything left will irritate the cat’s skin and attract dirt.

Clean the Face

  • Do not use shampoo or pour water directly over the cat’s face when cleaning the face. Use a damp washcloth to gently clean the cat’s face. Be extra careful around eyes and ears, as these parts are sensitive and easily irritated.

If you need to remove anything sticky from your cat’s face, pour a drop of shampoo on the washcloth, make it damp, and use it to wipe the stickiness off.

Help Your Cat Dry Thoroughly

  • tips to bathe your catDrying the cat’s fur is the most crucial part after bathing. Use a large towel to dry your cat as quickly as possible, and keep her in a warm room while the fur dries. Alternatively, use a hairdryer on the lowest heat to speed up the drying process and prevent the risk of hypothermia. Use a wide-toothed comb to comb the fur. This prevents matting in long-furred cats.

Give Treats

  • Reward your cat for staying calm by giving her a favorite treat during the bath session. Treats and playtime after a bathing session may help your cat anticipate the next bathing session. In this way, bath time becomes less of a struggle next time.

Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center offers the most convenient and comprehensive care for your pets. We provide regular checkups, dental, and urgent care services for all pets. We are located in Charlottesville, VA. for more information, call us at 434-971-9800.

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