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5 Essential Tips To Make Your Dog Friendly

Learn how to make your dog friendly with these 5 essential tips for a happy and safe pet

Since dogs love to play in the backyard, it is essential to create a dog-friendly yard by adding special features to keep your dog comfortable and safe. The project can be simple or complex, depending on your time and budget. Here are some essential tips to make your yard dog friendly.

Create Designated Potty Spots

  • Dog urine can damage plants and kill the grass. Therefore, it is a good idea to create designated potty spots. Wooded or mulched areas and crushed gravel or small pebbled sections are excellent potty spots because they effectively absorb urine and prevent it from reaching the plants.

Additionally, some homeowners opt for artificial turf, which provides instant drainage and offers easy cleaning with a hose while preventing bacterial growth. However, training your pet to use the designated space is crucial regardless of your choice. Take your dog on a leash to the desired spot and keep it there until it relieves itself.

Build Dog-Run Areas

  • Dogs love to run and patrol around the fence. However, this can result in damaging the grass on their favorite route. Build an engaging dog run to prevent your dog from creating its run. The grass route will eventually become muddy, so choose stone, gravel, hardscapes, or mulch.

Add tunnels to make the run more interesting. In addition, since dogs love to dig, building a sand-digging pit is a great idea to prevent your dog from digging anywhere else in the yard.

Grow Safe And Non-toxic Plants

  • When it comes to plants and flowers, choosing safe and non-toxic plants for your yard is essential. Responsible pet owners should know about dangerous and poisonous plants and avoid growing them in the yard. For instance, azaleas, lilies, hydrangeas, and yew shrubs are dangerous for dogs to eat and should not be planted in a dog-friendly yard.

In addition, some plants can cause digestive distress and lead to nausea, vomiting, or even death if ingested. Furthermore, if you apply weed killers and fertilizers, use them cautiously. Keep your dog off the law for a few days after applying the fertilizer. However, switching to organic and pet-safe fertilizers is advisable for creating a dog-friendly backyard.

Create A Hydration Spot

  • It is advisable to include a water feature in your dog-friendly yard as it provides essential hydration and adds an element of fun to their outdoor experience.

Here’s how you can incorporate water in your backyard.

  • Place a durable water bowl in a convenient location and refill it regularly.
  • Consider using a child’s hard-sided swimming pool and filling it with water.
  • Install a fountain or stream with moving water to allow your dog to play and use it as a cooling spot during the hot season.

Build A Shelter

make your dog friendlyBuilding a shelter in your dog-friendly backyard is essential, especially if your dog spends much time outdoors. Here are some options to consider:

  • Natural shades, such as a tall tree in your yard, can be an ideal cooling spot for your dog to escape the sun’s rays.
  • Another option is to set up posts between two trees to create shade and protection from rain. This simple solution offers a quick and effective way to provide shelter for your dog.
  • The ideal option is to build a doghouse with a covered front porch to provide an all-season hangout spot for your dog.

If your pet develops digestive issues after ingesting toxic plants, contact Autumn Trails and Veterinary Center. We provide comprehensive pet care and strategies to promote optimal pet health. Contact us to get precise guidelines for your pet. We are located in Charlottesville, VA. Appointments are conveniently available. Call us at (434) 971-9800.

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